Employee attendance policy template

This employee attendance policy template can be used and customized for your company’s specific needs and requirements. Use it to set up your company's HR Policies and Procedures. This Employee attendance policy template can also help you to stay compliant with specific rules and regulations. Use this attendance policy example as a guide to help you set up your own employee attendance policy!

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Employee attendance policy

What is the purpose of employee attendance policy

Even though there are many modern employers that approve flexible hours and work times, having an attendance policy is useful. No matter what your company's rules are, every employer should have a documented attendance policy. 

Use our free template for employee attendance policy to save time. 

Example of employee attendance policy template

This Employee Attendance Policy is to define and manage [company name]'s employee attendance. Use this attendance policy example to understand our company's attendance, absenteeism and tardiness policies and procedures.  

This employee attendance policy applies to all nonexempt employees regardless of position or type of employment. 

Policy Statement example

At [company name] all the positions and departments require collaboration and teamwork. Consequently, when someone is not present, that can significantly impact the work of others. 

Absenteeism should be avoided in all situations. If it is necessary, it should always be discussed and approved by supervisors.  

Fair and responsible workplace is what we encourage and is part of our company's culture. When someone is disruption daily operations because of their tardiness or absenteeism, this is considered an "inappropriate behavior", and will be followed with some consequences.

How do we define is absenteeism? 

Absenteeism is defined as unexcused and/or unreported absence from employee’s job responsibilities. 

How do we define is tardiness?

Tardiness is defined as employee’s inability to follow his or her daily schedule. Arrival and/or departure times are not according the rules and job specifications. At [company name], if arrival and departure times exceed proper time by 10-15 minutes, this is considered a significant tardiness. 

Since there are always cases of unpredictable absences, employees are always required to contact supervisors right always.

It is considered an absenteeism if employees fail to notify their supervisors. 

Some cases in which [company name] will understand and employees inability to attends are accidents, personal/family or acute medical emergencies.

These are some of the cases that are not excuses for absenteeism:

  • Waking up late
  • Not proved medical conditions
  • Not proved family member sickness 
  • Personal daily tasks
  • Car breakdown
  • Regular traffic or public transportation delays 
  • Regular weather conditions 
  • Non-approved holidays

Disciplinary consequences for absenteeism

In cases when employees don't act in adherence to [company name]'s attendance policy, the first step supervisors take is asking for an explanation and proof for unavoidable absenteeism.

In the event of not being able to provide any proof, disciplinary actions will be taken. 

Some of the scenarios when disciplinary actions will be taken include:

  • Corrective counselings doesn't bring better results
  • Employee purposefully overlook their attendance duties
  • Employee continuously disregards warnings
  • Employee repeatably gives late notice
  • All unexcused and unreported absences will not be compensated

More company templates for policies and procedures

Not the policy you are looking for? Check the whole list of company policies and procedures templates

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